Erase Hard Drives Completely, Effortlessly and Cost Effectively with the V660 HDD Evo

The principals of how to erase hard drives with a degausser are relatively straight forward. Degaussing is achieved by passing the hard drive through a strong magnetic field. This rearranges the polarity of the particles and as such completely removes any previous recordings. Different magnetic media e.g. tape, cassettes, hard drives etc. require different strengths of magnetic force in order to completely erase all traces of previously recorded information. To erase hard drives, it is imperative that a degausser with a minimum gauss force of 7000 is used. But high powered, hard drive degaussers can be large and expensive and if your requirement is for periodic erasure of hard drives, can you really justify spending tens of thousands of dollars?

Erase Hard Drives Cost Effectively

One solution is the V660 HDD Evo, a high energy degausser, delivering a 7000 magnetic gauss force, which enables operators to erase hard drives in around 20 seconds. As a flatbed degausser, the V660 HDD EVO offers effective yet economical erasure, as it doesn’t come with the hefty price tag associated with many automatic degaussers. And the benefits don’t stop there. The V660 HDD Evo also offers users unique, remote control operation. Once the hard drive or other magnetic media is placed onto the degausser (the V660 HDD Evo has also be designed to erase a host of backup tapes including LTO, DLT, Super DLT etc.), the magnetic force can be applied via the infrared remote control, which means the operator does not have to stand next to or touch the degausser while the degauss process is applied.

To economically erase hard drives, the V660 HDD Evo won’t let you down – it also comes with a 36 month warranty and life time support as standard! Click here for more information on the V660 HDD Evo and to see it in action, watch the video here.

To request a quote, contact us at [email protected]



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